Functional Skills Course Info KS4

What is the qualification?
This course is a combination of awards in functional skills in mathematics and English at levels 1 and 2. These courses support GCSEs in mathematics and English.

What will students be doing on the course?  How will it be structured?
These qualifications comprise a range of units and students will build up a portfolio of skills useful for the world of work. Most of the work will be portfolio based leading to the completion of external examinations in each of the key skill areas.

Additional support will also be provided for GCSE mathematics and English.

On demand.

What skills do students need to develop to be successful at this course?
These qualifications support development in the areas of English and Mathematics and will support students’ other chosen subjects.

What could this qualification be used for?
The skills gained through this course will be of use to students in any career and are aimed at improving students’ success in English and Mathematics.