Helping Your Daughter with Transition

Year 6 (Key Stage 2 to Key Stage 3) Transition
You know your child best and will have important information that you can pass on to the new Review Tutor, Achievement Coordinator, Mrs Peniket, or Director of Intervention and Inclusion, Mrs Colvin-Grieve who will help your daughter with the adjustment to secondary school.

Please give us information about:

  • Your daughter’s strengths and interests.
  • Strategies that have worked in the past.
  • How you have been able to help.
  • Who else is involved with your daughter, for example, medical professional e.g. CAMHS/School Nurse/Clinical Psychologist etc.
  • Any other useful information you feel would help  teachers or staff to support her.

If your daughter has special educational needs Mrs Colvin-Grieve, Mrs Penikett or one of the Teaching Assistants will visit her primary school prior to transition to talk to her teacher.

All of her IEPs, Pupil Profiles etc and school records should transfer with her so we have a starting point to help meet her needs.  All parents are invited in for an interview with your daughter’s review tutor and that is your opportunity to share with us what you think we need to know.  There is an Induction evening for students and their parents and carers and an Induction Day in July for students.  In some cases students with additional needs may visit the school on pre- arranged days and Teaching Assistants may visit schools to work with students in preparation for transition.

Mid-Year Transition
The Achievement Coordinator for the Year group coordinates student admissions. Students will have the support of a ‘buddy’ in their review group and the support of their Achievement Co-ordinator and Review Tutor. Information is shared about any additional needs with staff.

Key Stage 3 to Key Stage 4 Transition
All students are involved in taster sessions and options information evening with their parents and carers.  Everyone is provided with a Key Stage Four Programme of Study booklet to give information about the pathways and courses on offer. Sudents with additional needs are advised and supported to make appropriate choices in discussion with staff, parents and carers. Where appropriate students are assessed and Access Arrangements are put in place for examinations.

Key Stage 4 to Key Stage 5 Transition
All students are involved in CEIAG meetings at key points during Key Stage 4 including 1:1 independent careers advice. Students with additional needs are advised and supported to make appropriate course choices in discussion with staff, parents and carers. This may include support to make a transition to our own sixth form or to another school sixth form or college.  Where appropriate students are assessed and Access Arrangements put in place.