Science Course Info KS3


Year 7Students are taught a wide range of topics with equal emphasis on biology, chemistry, physics and practical skills. Topics include cells, reproduction, particles and forces.
Year 8Students are taught a wide range of topics with equal emphasis on biology, chemistry, physics and practical skills. Topics include the periodic table, food and digestion, gas exchange, light, sound and magnetism.
Year 9Students are taught a wide range of topics which include cell biology, organisation, infection and response, atomic structure and the periodic table, bonding, structure and the properties of matter, the particle model of matter and atomic structure (physics). Students also cover practical and investigation skills relating to these topics.

Assessment (including homework)

All yearsAssessment is via exam style questions through end of topic tests. Homework is a mixture of question sheets, google quizzes, retention work and reflective work.

How to support your daughter
Discussing what she has covered in science lessons.
Encouraging her to take an interest in science current affairs in the media (newspaper, radio, television).
Encouraging her to watch science and natural history documentary programmes.
Encouraging her to read science and natural history publications (e.g. National Geographic, New Scientist, BBC Focus magazine).